Tuesday, July 20, 2010

its just the begining.

the world is at your feet.
but you just have to get there and reach it.
you have to go through the tough times to understand what you can do in life and what you have got in life.
experience and explore the world.
its all an adventure.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

" Have the feeling of being crazy,happy,wild,energetic for the reason to moving and rocking out to the beats" its the feeling of freedom its the feelings of happiness and an adventure.

Monday, July 5, 2010

when will things be different.

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

Thursday, July 1, 2010


where is the other half ?

“Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.”

The greatness of art is not to find what is common but what is unique.
Isaac Singer

life lived with.....

To have someone nearby to catch you if you fall or push you when you say I’ve had enough.
The footsteps keep marking but it’s when you stop and look back on how far you have come to who you are today.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the style of the individual person makes the personality shine through.

essence of the living.

to be alone or to not?

'be who you want to be'
"set your style what you want it to be, not who people want you to be."
"It doesn't matter how many say it cannot be done or how many people have tried it before; it's important to realize that whatever you're doing, it's your first attempt at it."

the world is a big wild world fully of happiness and loss. there will be times when you will want to wrap yourself in a ball and be alone. but there is also times when you run along the sand or a pile or rocks or jump of a cliff to feel the adrenaline to no you succeeded something fun and different. or your dreams will come but maybe not all will be reached but its when you keep trying and trying is when you will get to the top of that dream you always wanted.

Vinyl art by the sea

live life likes it is your last day.
be yourself and don't let others let you down.
walk the streets with a smile no matter what you look like.
do what you feel is best jump of the highest mountain you never thought you could reach.
live a day without regrets, negativity and bad imputs have that day of happiness and dont stress or worry about anything.